More than money: 5 crucial things to look for at interview

The days when it was common to take a job and then stick with one company for life are far behind us. In fact, even staying in one job for more than a few years at a time is becoming rarer, the more years that pass. However, although accepting a new position might not mean making a long-term commitment, you’ll undoubtedly be in the role for at last a few months.

So, if you’re not enjoying where you are and what you’re doing, the days, weeks, months or longer will soon start to drag. That can easily happen if you accept a job that’s not quite right for you, but why would you do that in the first place? Of course – the money. Here are several other crucial things to look for when you attend an interview.

Have your expectations been met so far?

From the moment you saw the job advertised, to the day you arrived for interview, what has the experience been like? Sorry, other than quite nerve-wracking, that is. Has communication been consistent? Have you felt wanted, welcomed and already valued, despite not yet being an actual employee? Forbes highlights the importance of the interview process itself as one of the biggest indicators of whether an employer is worth your time or otherwise.

Does everyone look as happy as you hope to be?

From being greeted at reception, to taking a quick tour, to meeting your interviewer, how do the people you may soon be working with seem right now? Busy, probably. Stressed, possibly. However, what about happy, enthusiastic and welcoming? While it can be tough to distinguish between paranoia and genuine perspective, if your overall sense of the potential new office is negative, then money might not be compensation enough for working in such an environment.

Is it well-designed and fully equipped?

Do you get a sense of organised chaos or properly-managed productivity as you wait and walk through the building? Is it clean and well-maintained, and do the current employees look comfortable as they work?

A question you could ask at interview could be whether the office is owned by the company or leased. For instance, a serviced office space from BE Offices would be cleaned, equipped and maintained by the owners of the building, rather than the company, so this could be worth a polite enquiry come the day of the interview.

How do staff interact with each other?

While the way you are greeted at reception is likely to be ‘service with a smile’, there are subtle indications of workplace culture you can look out for at your interview. For instance, how the receptionist interacts with the other employees who greet you or how you hear people speaking to one another when you walk through an office could clarify whether it’s a workplace of collaboration – or quiet, solitary work.

Is everyone busy?

Finally, how much work is getting done right now? Do employees appear to be genuinely engaged with what they’re doing, or do they appear unmotivated? There are plenty of known benefits to being busy, and you certainly don’t want to take on a role that doesn’t present you with a challenge. Otherwise, how can you expect to keep progressing in the future?

That’s unless you are simply focused on one thing – the extra money in your bank account every month. If so, be warned that that extra money will soon become the norm. We spend an awful lot of our time at work, and planning for work even when we’re not at work. So, when you next attend an interview, keep your eyes peeled for signs that it’s worth something far more important than hard cash – your precious time.

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4 common mistakes in the price action trading strategy

The price action trading system is based on the Japanese candlestick pattern. The Japanese candlestick pattern lets traders know about the direction of the market. Most of the time, naïve UK traders rely on the indicator based trading method and eventually they lose a big portion of their capital. You should never try to use a complicated method since it can make things really worse. You should learn about the price action trading method as it will make you a better trader. In fact, most skilled traders rely on the price action trading method because it allows them to trade with a high risk to reward ratio.

So, it’s obvious that pro traders use the price action trading method to improve their execution process. But this doesn’t mean you are going to make a big profit without facing any difficulties with the price action trading strategy. Today, we are going to highlight some of the key mistakes that can ruin your career even after learning to trade with the price action signals.

Analyzing the lower time frame

Analyzing the lower time frame is the most common problem of rookie traders. After knowing the basic price action pattern they start focusing on the minor details of the market and try to improve their win rate by trading the lower time frame data. But the smart traders at Saxo rely on the higher time frame. They know the noise associated with the lower time frame trading method. Does this mean, price action signals should never be used in the lower time frame? Of course not. To trade the lower time frame, you must use multiple time frame analysis. For that, you need to use a practice account to learn the process of studying different time frame chart.

Trading the reversal

Price action trading is not about the reversal trading strategy. In fact, this should be used to trade along with the trend. Being a price action trader, you must use a robust trading platform to get accurate price signals. The importance of having a professional trading platform is paramount. Read more to learn about the impact of a premium trading environment. Once you have a premium environment, you should try to trade in favor of the trend only. In fact, price action signals are mostly used to find the endpoint of the retracement. Once you learn this technique, you can easily make a big profit by trading the major trend.

Taking too much risk

Taking high risk after learning about the candlestick pattern is very common in trading. Most of the time, new traders get carried away by seeing the success rates in trading. But if you look at the experienced traders, you will see a difference. The more you learn, the lower the risk they take at trading. Due to this strong risk management policy, they manage to survive the most complicated situation in the market. Though it’s not easy to accept losses in trading, you can easily learn to do so, by limiting your risk to 1%. Always be prepared to accept losses from the very best trades. Once you get used to losing trades, you won’t have to face trouble at trading.

Breaking the rules

Breaking rules and taking aggressive steps to recover the loss are the criteria of the naïve traders. The elite traders never break rules even after losing 10 trades in a row. They are good at managing the risk and they know their risk to reward ratio is going to protect their capital. Without finding a good risk to reward ratio, you should not be placing any trade. Prepare a written plan and follow it strictly. Never break the rules of trading as it can cost you your capital. Be a disciplined trader to ensure your survival in this business.

Importance of considering forecasting when you want to invest

There are many reasons why forecasting is a vital part of the business. Over the years, probability and statistics have become some of the most important aspects of mathematics because of how they can be applied in our daily life. People now know the best way to do things, the best time to do things and the best people to do things with due to these mathematical concepts. A term that has a lot to do with the two concepts: probability and statistics, is forecasting. With forecasting, statistics are used to determine the success rate and failure rate of a particular condition and then the rate is used to create a probability of an event. In investing, statistics and probability can be used to monitor how an investment company has fared since it was founded and then forecast the probability that it would continue to do well and for how long, with time to time checks of the latest statistics to see if the forecasting is going a different way or not. You can read about PocketSmith to know how others have benefitted from the forecasting platform while investing. Here are some ways PocketSmith and other sources of the forecast can help you with investing in the right company.

Helps you to know the type of stock to invest in
There are often many types of stocks that you can invest in. Some stocks do well more than others, some stocks that are currently no doing well have the probability of doing well and others that are doing well have the probability of dropping in performance. With forecasting, it is possible to predict to a very large extent these trends with the hope of getting people to make the right decisions when they want to buy stocks in a company. Even though forecasting and anything prediction can never be perfect, its high success rate has made it a major factor people consider when buying stocks in a company.

Helps you to know the type of investment you can invest in
Forecasting has helped a lot of people to decide the type of investment they should make. For instance, if you are planning to invest in technology, Apple could be a solid option. On the other hand, for those with an interest in the entertainment sector, considering onlyfans stock might be a suitable choice. Apart from buying stocks, there are companies where you can give your money to do business at a profit including banks and there is the real estate sector among several others. With forecasting, an individual can consider the amount of money they have and check through all the different investments that capital can go into. They can subsequently decide on the one that they feel is the most profitable, have the most information about, or the business with the least risk.

Helps to know which companies you can loan money from
Another thing you sometimes have to do when you want to invest or start a business is loan money. You must loan money from the right company as well if you want to make progress. Forecasting can help you know which companies you can loan money from, that you would most likely not have any future problems with.

The Future of Automated Warehouses

Robotic technology and automation are vital features that will transform warehouse operations in the future. In the ancient days, robots were quite bulky and limited in the functions they could perform. Nonetheless, technology and innovation have improved what robots can do in different fields such as factories, farms, and hotels. The impact of robots has been profoundly felt in the warehouse. Characterized mainly by simple, repetitive activities, warehouse work has been a primary target for increased automation. An example of this is an automated forklift vehicle that does not require much human operation and furthermore can be enhanced with accessories like this.

According to research, the global robotics market was estimated to be $4 billion in 2017 and is expected to surpass $6 billion by 2025. This means that several companies are automating their warehouse activities by embracing robots. The primary reason for automating warehouses is to cut costs by reducing the amount of labor needed for warehouse operations. Lowering costs increases productivity and enables better use of building space.

Automating Warehouses: What It Means

Furthermore, when combined with useful data and integrated systems, the use of robotics in warehouses provides greater agility and responsiveness. For example, a warehouse may receive an order at 14:00 and facilitate shipment by 14:30. The ability to rapidly process orders enables goods to be shipped within the required time.

Automating activities in the warehouse promotes health and safety, especially if the warehouse stores hazardous items. This eliminates health and safety risks. For example, during stocktaking, you can use a small drone with a camera that can inspect a pallet stored 12 or more meters high. This is to mean no more risk, no more safety harnesses, and no more special lifts.

Likewise, electrical issues in a warehouse can be addressed with automation. Voltage fluctuations, for example, can occur due to various factors, including fluctuations in power supply or equipment malfunctions. Unstable voltage can damage sensitive machinery and pose safety risks to both employees and the facility. When an abnormal voltage fluctuation is detected, the installed automation system can generate an alert within seconds. Furthermore, if the automation system is integrated with a notification system, it can send immediate alerts to designated personnel within the warehouse. The designated personnel can contact a California electrical engineering firm or a similar company immediately to get the issue resolved.

What’s more? Robots can be designed to function in various areas within the warehouse. For instance, you can have robots for storage purposes, which can include all types of cranes, retrieval, and automated storage systems. By installing a robotic module, you can also have automated guided vehicles (AGV) working outside of the warehouse.

Here are some of the features that will have the most significant impact on the warehouse in the future:

Hyper-Connected Facilities Through Software

Hyper-connected warehouses generally have software integrated into their systems to improve inventory visibility. If you’re tasked with managing a warehouse, this is something you can do if your goal is optimizing your supply chain and making accurate demand forecasts. The operating systems used are installed in a highly advanced matrix to host the developing blade of technologies. The modern-day warehouse holds bandwidth for technologies such as management software, RFID scanning, barcoding, IoT, and other future technology innovations that may occur. With this technology, managers can make better informed and calculated decisions.

Warehouse Technology and Instant Inventory Tracking

Surveys show that warehouse operators and constructors such as Smart-Space are implementing innovations to build on warehouse efficiency. This includes radio frequency identification (RFID) tags attached to every item. This will convey instant data to and from the warehouse and inventory management gadgets, enabling operators to use mobile devices to track inventory from the time it arrives.


A shortage of human labor has inspired the need to treat workers well. This has inspired features such as air quality sensors and temperature controls, which are designed to improve the working environment. This reduces employee turnover and other health and safety risks.

The plastic bag ban is great for paper bag manufacturers around the world

Plastic bags have come under heavy attack in recent years due to the heavy pollution they cause both in our waterways and our cities. This poor publicity has led to more people adopting more eco-friendly alternatives.

Whilst plastic bags are still widely used around the world paper bags are becoming increasingly popular as many countries have started to disincentivise or flat out ban plastic bags. Here are some of the different ways paper bags are being introduced around the world. 

Increased demand for biodegradable bags in India

Plastic pollution is a big problem in India and the government is trying to do something about it. On October 2, India started to initiate the ban on 6 plastic products in the country. This concluded of plastic bags, cups, plates, single-use bottles and straws.

The move is attempting to cover all aspects of the economy in India, from manufacturing to usage and imports. This ban has provided a good opportunity for paper bag manufacturers in the country. Production has stepped up with ecofriendly paper bags being favoured over plastic ones.

The growth of the paper bag industry in the country is being supported by the wider growth of the paper market. The rising demand for education and increasing literacy rate is leading to a lot of ‘paper moguls’ taking advantage of the gap in the market.

Paper bags are being increasingly adopted in the UK

Every week it seems that a new retailer is seeking some positive publicity by adopting paper bags in their supermarkets. Beyond the main shopping bags, now bakery and vegetable smaller bags are becoming more paper-based. Tesco is the latest business to offer paper bags as part of their shopping experience. In addition to this suppliers to Tesco have been told that the supermarket reserves the right to refuse items that use too much or hard to recycle plastic.

Make the switch to paper bags for your business and the environment

The public in the UK and in other countries are increasingly wanting paper bags in the stores that they shop in as they are better for the environment and often have a more quality feel than plastic ones. Luckily there are plenty of paper bag suppliers out there with the expertise to meet the new demand for their product.

What Does AML Stand For?

AML is an acronym that stands for anti-money laundering. It is a set of regulations, procedures and laws that attempt to stop criminals from being able to disguise the funds they illegally obtained as being legitimate income. AML solutions are created based on AML laws that cover different criminal behaviors and transactions. These have far-reaching implications.

As an example, AML regulations force banks, together with numerous other financial institutions, to follow specific rules. They are set in place with the purpose of stopping money-laundering procedures. Policies are overseen by AML compliance officers. These specialists make sure that financial institutions are fully AML compliant. Companies also conduct thorough aml checks while hiring new recruits, to make sure they don’t end up hiring con artists or criminals into the fold. After all, the wrong hire could risk the financial safety and security of the company.

How Does AML Work?

AML regulations and laws target various criminal activities. This includes illegal goods traded, market manipulation, tax evasion, public funds corruption and market manipulation. In addition, methods that are used in order to conceal such crimes are targeted, together with money obtained through illegal activities.

Criminals basically want to launder money illegally obtained through some acts, like drug trafficking. A common technique used is running money through legitimate businesses that are cash-based and owned by the actual criminal or the confederates. The legitimate businesses deposit money and criminals withdraw them.

Money laundering can also sneak some cash into a foreign country in order to hide it. This is usually done through small increments so that suspicion does not appear. Launderers can also invest money, usually with the use of dishonest brokers that ignore rules in order to receive really large commissions.

The money launderer usually wants to disguise the money that is illegally obtained. This is done by running everything through some legitimate cash businesses.

Financial institutions need to monitor the deposits of their customers, together with all other transactions. The goal is to verify that the customer is not a part of a scheme that involves money laundering. Institutions have to verify where the larger amounts of money originated. Then, they have to monitor suspicious activities and always report the cash transactions that go over a specific amount of money, like $10,000 in the US. Financial institutions comply with the AML laws and have to be sure that clients know them.

Law enforcement agencies often analyze financial records in order to find suspicious activity or inconsistencies. The current regulatory environment means that extensive records are being kept about literally all financial transactions. This is especially the case with the larger ones. If the police manage to trace crimes to perpetrators, using financial transactions and their records are great proof.

In many situations, like larceny, embezzlement or robbery, police officers can return properties or funds that were discovered through money-laundering investigations. As an example, when agencies discover money that was laundered by criminals in order to cover up some embezzlement, a law enforcement agency can trace back funds to the actual victims.

The most common AML method is called AML holding. It is when funds are kept for a time frame with the purpose of verifying everything about the transaction. This alone discovered numerous illegal activities until now.

4 different ways you can advertise your business with physical merchandise

Advertising your business can be a costly endeavour, especially in the offline world where there is still a premium on ad real estate. However physical advertising exists outside the world of billboards and magazines. Here are 5 interesting ways you can promote your business through packaging like wholesale paper bags and letters.

  1. Wholesale Paper Bags

Wholesale paper bags are great for the environment and with a little ingenuity, they can be great for your business. The material used in high-quality wholesale paper bags is great for both digital and screen printing which is great for giving you the best logo possible. Wholesale paper bags are a staple at careers and networking fairs

2. Recycling Bins

This is a bit of a funny one, but you would be surprised at the number of recycling schemes that are out there. Getting in touch with a few will help you do your bit for the environment and (potentially) put your joint branding on the recycling bin.

This could help you not only get your branding in front of new customers, but also appear more environmentally friendly which is becoming increasingly important to customers.

3. Letters

If you are in a business where you find yourself distributing items to customers via post you have an opportunity to get your brand through customer’s letterboxes. If you are a retail business make sure the branding on your wholesale bags is consistent with that on your letters to customers to hammer home the message.

4. Stickers

A relatively inexpensive way you can distribute branding to customers is through stickers. Giving Cheap Stickers along with some branded wholesale paper bags can reinforce your business in the minds of potential customers. However, keep in mind that this is not just the only way of using stickers for advertising your business. There are far better alternatives. For instance, you can paste transfer stickers on your work vehicles so that when the automobile is used for work-related deliveries, more people can check out the stickers and learn about your enterprise quickly.

Bonus Tip

On the other hand, you can look to enhance your advertising efforts with physical merchandise. If you are looking for a customised and unique branding item for your clients, you can consider to bulk order your personalised Magic 8-ball, as an extraordinary and memorable advertising tool. By adding your company logo and tailored messages, these fun and interactive items can capture the attention of your audience and keep your brand top-of-mind. They can be a playful yet effective way to engage potential clients and leave a lasting impression. They can be particularly impactful at trade shows, corporate events, and as part of your promotional merchandise strategy. Consider adding this innovative merchandise to your advertising arsenal for a memorable impact!

Make sure the products you are advertising is high quality

Getting your logo in front of customers is a great start however if the merchandise you are advertising on is easily breakable then it will make your business appear cheap and unprofessional. To stop this happening make sure you go with a supplier that has a track record of delivering excellent merchandise to customers.