Cutting Edge Software for Business Administration

The modern world of business is becoming more and more automated, with innovative software to help the business owner maintain a tight ship, and powerful analysis programs that interpret all data in just a few seconds. One area where there have been great strides in development is payroll software, with powerful applications that make the accounting side of the business run smoothly, and with ongoing advances, companies can now depend more on automated software, which is designed by specialist programmers who are looking to provide the perfect accounting solution. Continue reading “Cutting Edge Software for Business Administration”

A Guide to Effectively Dealing with Business Closure

While we all aspire to be successful entrepreneurs, there are times, when, for one reason or another, a business reaches the point of no return, and the owner(s) must take stock of the situation and formulate a plan. It might be that things are so bad, that there is no question of a recovery, and in such cases, it is important to seek expert advice concerning insolvency, but in a majority of ailing businesses, it could still be possible to save the day. It might only need a sudden injection of capital, in which case a short-term business loan would be appropriate, or there might be several reasons why the business is failing, such as poor management or misplaced marketing, and if ever there was a time to seek expert advice, this is it. Continue reading “A Guide to Effectively Dealing with Business Closure”

How to make boring information come to life in your presentations

If you work in a so-called “boring” job, there’s nothing worse than presenting to an audience that is captive. Presenting technical information to these individuals can be soul-destroying; you know they don’t want to be there, and there is little you can do to “spice” things up. It’s something that’s even been the subject of scientific studies. Continue reading “How to make boring information come to life in your presentations”

Going Beyond Convention with Your Marketing Tactics

Taking absolutely nothing away from conventional and traditional marketing tactics, especially those which are specific to certain industries and have proven to work time and again, the dynamic nature of the world we’re now living in requires of those of us who are in business to go beyond conventions and try to reach consumers at a level they’re increasingly becoming more accustomed to. It’s no longer enough just to take out an ad on the radio for example, so too something like aspiring to break the marketing budget and air an advert on prime time television. Continue reading “Going Beyond Convention with Your Marketing Tactics”

Why It’s Important to Find Your Market First

B2B service providers in particular are very quick to quote and highlight stats of how many businesses fail within the first 3-5 years, perhaps even quicker to highlight how the failure of those businesses is likely due to the fact that they don’t use the services which are offered by them to better their prospects. While this may or may not be true, what is definitely true is the fact that most new businesses miss one of the basic fundamentals for success in the modern day business environment. Continue reading “Why It’s Important to Find Your Market First”

How To Protect Your Business Online

Complex passwords

It’s best to start with the basics, and make sure that all of the passwords that each staff member is using for any confidential files and systems are secure. A threefold approach to this will cover all bases, starting by updating passwords regularly. Choose a regular date once every month and make it the policy that all passwords have to be changed then. Secondly, use different passwords for each login. Using the same password might make it easier to remember but it creates a weakness in the system, as it means that if someone cracks it then they can access everything. Last but not least, use long and complex passwords. This means using letters, numbers, a mixture of upper and lower case and characters such as ! and & to make your password harder to guess. The longer your password, and the wider variety of different characters you use, the more time it would take for a hacker to work it out as the number of combinations that could fit increase exponentially with every extra character. Continue reading “How To Protect Your Business Online”

The Benefits of Taking Your Business Online

Still think that The Internet has nothing to offer your business?

Growing research is showing that even the most local “Bricks & Mortar” businesses can see significant gains by developing an online digital strategy. Nick Brown, member of the Information Technology Faculty of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, and partner at Brighton accountants Plummer Parsons takes a look at the benefits it could bring to your business. Continue reading “The Benefits of Taking Your Business Online”